At Bonfire Behavioral Health, we pride ourselves on providing comprehensive treatment options for people struggling with many types of addictions. These treatment options include providing support for people at all levels of care. As a result, we’re proud to provide our patients with a transitional living program. This treatment option is an excellent place for our patients to learn to live a successful, healthy life as they build skills that they can use in a range of settings. With the help of our transitional living program and sober living homes, you can learn to become more independent, allowing you to be the best version of yourself. To learn about the benefits of attending our addiction treatment programs, call Bonfire Behavioral Health today at 603.617.4815.
What Is a Transitional Living Program?
A transitional living program is an option for our patients who have completed a residential addiction treatment program. Generally, individuals in recovery will live at this program between six and eighteen months, but you can stay for longer or shorter periods of time depending on your unique needs. This addiction treatment program can support those who are homeless, but stays in traditional homeless transitional living programs are usually shorter than programs for addiction recovery.
Transitional living programs differ from sober living homes in that they are more structured. Most programs require residents to check in with a staff member regularly so that the staff member knows where they are and when they will return at all times. In many cases, residents should have a regular job, manage their own money, and have a mode of transportation. They also receive random drug tests, and any failing drug tests will result in immediate expulsion from the program.
While these rules can sound confining, transitional living programs offer you a place to re-establish your identity, gain confidence, and remember your self-worth. You can also develop personal relationships, allowing you to grow and mature. Our transitional living program offers a home-like environment where you and our staff members will cooperate with each other to maintain the house. Simultaneously, you’ll learn life skills and grow as a person. In short, a transitional living program allows you to heal from substance abuse completely.
What Can You Learn From a Transitional Living Program?
At our transitional living program, our goal is to slowly add responsibility and freedom to an environment involving guidance and counseling. As a result of this program, you’ll learn life management skills and coping mechanisms for stress, sadness, frustration, and boredom.
As you move through our transitional living program, you will eventually have weekend passes to visit your friends and family. Once you return to the program, you will be tested for substances. Once you can hold a steady job, manage bills for rent and a vehicle, and show that you are responsible, you may gain additional freedoms. The time apart from our staff members allows you to manage your life and practice your coping mechanisms in the real world. Additionally, a transitional living program allows you to rebuild trust with your family again.
During your transitional living program, we will expect you to attend addiction treatment therapy regularly. We will develop your treatment plan based on your unique needs, but your therapeutic options may include:
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) program
- Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) program
- Group therapy program
- Family therapy program
- Relapse prevention therapy
With the help of these therapeutic methods, in addition to our transitional living program, you can make the progress you need to sustain recovery long-term.
Reach Out to Bonfire Behavioral Health Today
At Bonfire Behavioral Health, our goal is to support you through your recovery. Whether you need treatment for alcohol addiction or an addiction to prescription or illicit drugs, we have a program that can help you. Call Bonfire Behavioral Health today at 603.617.4815 for more information about how our transitional living program can support you.